Nothing startling to report here apart from the fact that I have zero time to write my blog. I had SO many good intentions after returning from my vacation but frankly, getting up at 4.30 am to work on my new series (still top secret) sort of zaps my creative energy. A full day at the advertising agency leaves me feeling a little peaky and of course, if I end the day with a very intense spinning session at
YAS downtown ... I'm seriously pooped.
Our holiday in the English countryside seems so far away—especially when I look out of my office window at the high-rise buildings peeping through the September smog. But my sorrow turns to joy when I look at my desktop screen saver.
Meet Bam-Bam. He lives at our friend's farm in Thorneymire, North Yorkshire and is such an adorable little chap.
Red squirrels are an endangered species in Great Britain and rarely seen in the south. I hadn't seen one myself since my childhood when I was a loyal member of
The Tufty Club. Bam-Bam earned his name thanks to the noise he makes every morning as he reaches for his breakfast. He's very busy sorting out his nuts and seeds but dashes off if anyone tries to get close. Speaking of nuts and seeds, it's my co-worker's 24th birthday today (Happy Birthday Laura) and nearly time for chocolate cake.